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Prado Group FBO

We are committed to excellence.

Prado Group is a private Unincorporated Faith Based Organization established to facilitate fiscal strategy and advancement through a concerned ecclesiastical network with global outreach.  Our focus is on Integrated Spiritual Socioeconomic Development funding requests where individual needs correspond with our organizational goals and abilities to facilitate our Members' needs.   We are committed to providing Ecclesiastical Counsel & Fiduciary Management with Capital Raising services for Private Member Entities, Public Corporations, and Governmental Finance on a global scale.


Counsel is given to our Members on a range of Facilitation Structures (Donor/Royalty & Debt/Equity) to promote Large Project Facilitation, while deploying cross-border techniques allowing us to manage treasuries as a Non-Bank Financial Organization.  As such, we offer alternative financing vehicles for project funding under ecclesiastical and standard equity based participation agreements.


​We may also chose to incorporate special purpose “Hybrid” cash flow vehicles to offset corporate liabilities including tax liabilities. 




Prado Group is a Declared Ecclesiastical Faith Based Organization ("F.B.O.").  We carefully serve our international
bona fide Member participant communities under the protection of our inalienable de jure rights and provisions standing upon our Mandatory Tax-Excepted jurisdictional status, and exclusions from de facto commercial regulatory oversight. 


[Prado Group FBO operates by rule of necessity via Title 26 U.S. Code § 508c(1)A and Title 26 U.S. Code § 6033a(3)A(i) 

Public Notice

We Are Goal Oriented...




The foundational blueprint for the association is the bringing into being a state of affairs that promote Jesus’ instruction to seek a world which reflects things “on earth as it is in heaven”…


The intention is to assist the ordinary man with developing his God-given creative talents and treasures, for the construction of positive economic currents of change; and to bring about a “Blue Ocean” weather climate for business development, which will facilitate and promote a variety of beneficial transactions within all human social institutions.

Prado Group's mission is to carry out the Great Commission within the Global Market Place:  We will employ “Strategic Philanthropy” demonstrating the Greatest Commandment by interdependently engaging, equipping, encouraging, and empowering people at the community level to redeem and impact the Seven Cultural Pillars of Humanity for the Kingdom and glory of God.

In an effort to free the people of this world from the shackles of capital controls and financial dependencies, our strategies are focused on free-market solutions that tender fin-tech and capital solutions via our exclusive ecclesiastical social exchange platform.

Vision and Mission


Mission Mandate
Blue Ocean Strategy Amplified

Prado Group seeks to empower the common man to accomplish his goals, and in doing so, to bless humanity with the fruit of his doings; thus, serving as a catalyst to help individuals to fulfill positively their divine destiny.  In the form of a constructive human tsunami of GOODNESS and new economic opportunities (from the deep blue sea), multitudes will rise from the bottom-up to help create more economically stable nations in their respective hemispheres.  It is Prado Group’s MERCY objective to allow humanity to receive deep channels of social, humanitarian, financial and spiritual “Living Water” to revitalize the Earth’s economic engine.

Blue Ocean Strategy
The “Seven Pillars Faith-Based Blue Ocean Strategy”

It is a global faith-based humanitarian philosophy that reflects how we apply what we believe to community development and stewardship initiatives.  Our strategy integrates the global Core Humanitarian Standard as a benchmark of quality and accountability, in the realm of standardized industry classifications for: for-profit, tax-exempt, and legally exempt organizations (e.g. Families Are Not Corporations).

A Higher Standard for a Higher Purpose

Seven Pillars.PNG
The Seven Cultural Pillars of Humanity
Seven Cultural Pillars


FAMILY:  The family is the FIRST human institution created by God.  It is the first unit of government, commerce, education, and religious values.  All other social institutions stem from it. God formed mankind, male and female, in order to establish relationships that reflect His glory; so that He, Jesus Christ, would have His Bride / wife (the church) at the conclusion of human history as we know it today.


Mission:  To impact social systems, making the family unit the priority.


RELIGION:  God gives man an opportunity for an intimate relationship with his Creator, which should compel him to do well towards himself and all humanity.

Mission:  To model a holy, righteous, and godly lifestyle in all endeavors of life.


EDUCATION:  Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are the essential ingredients to interact and transact in the global community and to live at peace with one’s neighbor. Education without walls and propaganda allows truth to be disseminated, which combats ignorance, fear, superstition, and misunderstanding.  The knowledge of the Holy One, man’s creator, is the beginning of knowledge. Perhaps, at no time in human history has the world been filled with so many educated people, and yet it is apparently more-wicked (with sophistication), on a larger scale, than ever.

Mission: To establish a truthful curriculum that foster love and respect, and that reveal wisdom, understanding, good counsel and moral character.


MEDIA:  Communication and entertainment systems can foster the social good of the socially dysfunctional; hence, like education, the media is a major tool for transforming “the good, the bad, and the ugly”. Good communication and telecommunication can enhance all levels of human endeavor for the social good and educational benefits of all.


Mission:  To fill the airwaves with “good news”, relevance, and function; therefore, reducing the amount of global social dysfunction.


CULTURE:  Comprises all of the attributes, languages, customs, traditions, and systems within a given population.  With over two hundred nations in the world, thousands of languages, religious sects, and cultural variations, technology has made the world smaller; thus, easier to interact with and for communication.  Hence, this is a golden opportunity to apply the “Golden Rule” towards all and to empower the family unit for economic sustainability, for the preservation of loved ones, and for the mutual benefit of the global community.

Mission:  To model the spoken word of God, convey biblical principles, and disclose biblical prophecy, so that all men can change their trajectory in a positive direction.


ECONOMY:  Economic Freedom provides the wherewithal to empower a free and open society, and to promote the tenets of a social contract for LIFE, LIBERTY, PROPERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. In the spiritual economy, God has designed man with redemptive gifts to reveal His glory; this is possible through an equitable exchange of various relationships in the areas of their callings, to bless mankind.

Mission:  To address economic bondage, unemployment, and underemployment, with job creation and the rekindling of self-worth in millions who have (perhaps) lost their hope.


GOVERNMENT:  Man was created with certain inalienable rights. God (The Potter) who formed, molded, and crafted the clay, is the ultimate Governor. Since the creation of man, the process of procreation has brought forth a sea of humanity. Hence, human systems of government are for the safety, justice, and domestic tranquility of all God’s creation.

Mission:  Prado Group FBO is not a geopolitical entity; however, it seeks the general welfare of all those who are the descendants born from the union of Adam and Eve, the first progenitors.  In the good neighbor approach, one should love their enemies and their friends.

Blue Ocean Universal Principles for Operating in GRACE and MERCY:

  • Mt 5:3  Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

  • Mt 5:4  Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

  • Mt 5:5  Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

  • Mt 5:6  Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

  • Mt 5:7  Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

  • Mt 5:8  Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

  • Mt 5:9  Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Blue Ocean Universal Principles
The “Blue Ocean” Human Reservoir of Destiny Poured Out in THE FATE FORMULA








The Fate Formula is the probability of success that one may have based on one’s character, intellect, faith, and one’s ability
to navigate through the vast Blue Sea of opportunities granted by divine providence.   

S.D.G. 2025 Prado Group F.B.O.  | © 2025 Prado Group LLC | © 2024 Prado-Fin Ltd

All rights reserved.  All wrongs reversed.

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