Think Locally,
Act Globally,
Prepare Eternally.
Aligning Opportunity with Corporate Readiness
Prado Group desires to align one’s passion, cultivate one’s strengths, and help fulfill the visionary’s destiny. Hopefully, with assistance from Prado Group’s processing system, an entrepreneur’s passion, ability, and opportunities will all align themselves at the same time. Often, when the opportunity arrives, some find themselves strong in passion, but unprepared to implement, because, their abilities and supporting management team may be deficient. It is of utmost importance that one’s ability and his management team be in a state of readiness in order to capitalize on opportunity when it comes their way. In short,
Passion is in most leaders - sometimes in the form of ambition, inspiration, or heartfelt dedication;
Abilities are developed over time - via life and learning experience, as well as skill set training;
Opportunity arises less than the drive of passion and abilities – opportunity is about timing, and being in the right partnerships, business or industry, and involves sweat equity, labors of love, and divine destiny (as this case may be).
The alignment of Passion, Ability, and Opportunity can seem almost impossible for many, but not for those of faith. We therefore, propose the following process:
Cultivate one’s passion for a consuming, all-time commitment. One must work on his particular skills, redemptive gifts, talents, and strengths to serve other people, versus simply serving himself. In serving others, one will find their opportunities to use their gifts and capitalize on them.
As one is focused on outward training, he/she should also cultivate inward skills and character; he will worry less about missing opportunities and most likely step into them with ease and grace. Opportunity will then find him, rather than one having to search for it; this is the essence of “the divine favor and calling”.
We promote the principles supporting the Law of the Harvest … our rewards are deferred, sometimes for a long period of time; however, we realize that when we plant, we do so with the expectancy of a harvest in “OUR SEASON”. Hence, we desire to share in that celebration with you as we help cultivate your vision for the harvest.
Project Submission Readiness
The first stage of our unique “Gideon Process” is to determine one’s project readiness and the capability of the corporate principals’ team to complete the process. The efforts of the principal and his/her management team will be revealed with a clear line of project demarcation. This dividing line of distinction is designed to separate those who are merely “interested in an opportunity” from those who are “absolutely committed” to executing their business plans. The first assignment is designed to test one’s faith, servant-leadership skills, tenacity, and the ability to effectively communicate. Unlike traditional acceptance or rejection of projects (with or without explanation) through the Prado Group system, if one is not selected initially for funding, it does not necessarily mean “no”. It may mean, “not now”, or rather, “perhaps later”, when their project and their team are better prepared. We encourage the business’ principals and their supporting affiliate partners to present their very best in the sequence of the next steps below (along with the necessary prerequisites); then reapply as mentioned herein.
Corporate and Business Plan Readiness
Please view how we define strategic philanthropy. Also, review our sample Cover Letter and its Guidelines to get a sense of the first social enterprise impression that you would like to make. The process is a hybrid between capital/for-profit and charity/non-profit. Principals should ask themselves why they are sacrificing their time, talents, and treasures to pursue such a project.
Communicate Effectively
Contained in the following are the self-serve resources, sequence, and procedures for the systematic processing of one’s business plan; these are recommended to initiate a proper and acceptable start.
In this Please download all requested files in this folder: Executive Summary Guidelines & Templates folder.
To simplify one’s submission process, please “cut and paste” the appropriate information from the Comprehensive Business Plan document (including your 10-year Pro Forma Summary) into appropriate documents of assessment fields. For example, you will need the contents of the EXCEL Project Impact spreadsheet in order input your results into the Prosperity Executive Summary.
Important Note: In our experience, if one already has completed the Comprehensive Business Plan, this assignment should take just a few hours to finish. However, if one needs assistance in any form, after his project has been registered, he can contact the Prado Group Subcommittee, to be directed to the appropriate prerequisite planning resource provider.
Before one makes their submittal, they should download the Executive Summary Assessment and the Economic Impact Assessment. The use of these interactive spreadsheets against one’s completed Executive Summary will help determine how well they have quantitatively and qualitatively answered the assessment questions. In our experience, projects do not attract the necessary resources for sustainable momentum until (and unless) their qualitative scores rise above 85%. In order to raise one’s score on this test, one should (after implementing the task) provide the answer in the affirmative (yes), and then be prepared to substantiate all claims with proper documentation when the mentoring staff of Prado Group asks for it.
Teamwork, for our purposes will be defined as a proficient group of individuals with appropriate skill-sets that can produce a successful and competent team result.
Important Note: Team Development Formula: If you find yourself asking “what …” or “how …” to do something, you should consider who would be the best person that you know (or an excellent referral) that has the skills needed to complete your desired task. Then seek his/her assistance; share the vision, and add that person to your team.
Project Ready...SET!
If approved and selected, you will be given a window of opportunity for you to go through a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative due diligence process. We refer to it as the "IMAP" Impact Assessment Process.
At that time you will receive instructions and a professional coach to guide you through the process. Depending upon one’s project category, you will have up to three (3) months to complete the respective processes of preparation, packaging, and presenting submittals.
Four Categories for Funding:
Global Mission Evangelism
Social Development
Humanitarian Projects and Programs
Infrastructure Projects
The Completed Project Submission...A Green Light for Due Diligence!
For those who come to Prado Group in a "ready" state of preparedness, with all of their documentation and management team in place, once approved by our due diligence process, it should take approximately one month for processing to be completed.
Click the bottom below to begin the due diligence compliance process.

Begin the due diligence compliance process here:
Know Your Neighbor Process
Impact Assessment Process Overview
Project Impact Assessment
Strategic Philanthropy Overview
Two-Page Executive Summary Assessment